Common Misconceptions About Business Development

It is true that there are many notions about the business development of the real estate industry, but most of those ideas are actually misconceptions. Most people have this general idea of what the industry is like and some people actually have difficulty trusting agents because of these misconceptions. We hope that this post serves as an enlightenment tool and provides further insight into the real estate industry.

The Industry Is Only Based Out Of Buildings

While it is true that real estate agents do have offices in actual buildings, this kind of misconception stems from the time when agents had to rely on phones in their offices to speak with their clientele. Those days are long gone.

With the advancement of the internet and cellular phones, many agents use media as their way to reach out to clients. It makes communication so much easier, especially with the continuing evolution of smartphones.

A Newer Agent Will Not Know A Thing About Real Estate

This is not true at all. In a previous blog post, we spoke about certain agents getting a real estate license in 48-hour courses. You may want to avoid someone who just got their start in a course like that and is offering their services, but there are so many agents that have had many hours put into studying for their license. They did so much research to get where they are. Remember, everyone has to start somewhere! Someone who is newer will most likely give exceptional customer service and spend time with you as a client. Don’t be afraid to give a newer agent a shot.

Shows On TV Are The Best For Real Estate Know-How

Shows like, Love It or List It, on HGTV are not even a fraction of the reality of what real estate is. Those shows are heavily edited, staged, and amped up with drama to keep viewer ratings. While reality television has opened up real estate to many viewers, it is not the authority on the way the real estate business works.

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